Pandemic Pastors Pondering on the Porch


Sunday - Sunday School @ 9:15AM | Worship Service @ 10:30AM | Wednesday - @ 10:30am FC Connect

Pandemic Pastors Pondering on the Porch is a colabortive laid back ministry designed to help the viewer to have a practical application to some biblical priciples to their own personal lives.  Pastor Andy Addis is the lead Pastor at Crosspoint Church and Pastor Matt here at First Congregational both located here in Hutchinson, Ks. The covid-19 pandemic caused both Pastors to adjust their ministries along with their own personal lifestyles and because they are somewhat neighbors a friendship that started 15 years developed into a hear to heart chat time. Season 1 started n 2020 right after the first cancellation request of church services in our county was asked for. There are 4 episodes in season 1 and various discussion topics are discussed accompanied by some humor which is in both pastor's DNA. We hope you are encouraged by the videos which they are designed to do in a dwon to earth way. Pastor Addis and Stafford are part of the Community of Churches organization in Reno County. A voluntary fellowship offered to all churchs and ministers as a colabortive effort to share Christ to our community in unity and as Jesus prayed "I pray that all may be one as you and I are one". John 17.

 Season 2 has been complated and videos available by clicking on the live stream box.  .

Blessings as you watch

any questions about the content of the videos please email us here.