

Sunday - Sunday School @ 9:15AM | Worship Service @ 10:30AM | Wednesday - @ 10:30am FC Connect

Missions · Reaching the World for Christ

First Congregational Church of Hutchinson is fully committed to seeing the Gospel spread throughout the world. We support numerous missions through the NACCC, our National Association. If you would like more information about our missionaries, or are seeking support as a missionary, please contact us.

Our church sponsors the various missions in the U.S. and the world on a monthly basis, using volunteer donations from members of our congregation. Mission envelopes are located in each church pew.

The Benevolence and Memorial Committee also selects additional missions or causes to donate budgeted church dollars to on a quarterly basis.



Cook Native American Ministries

Mr. Gary Metoxen


Hosanna Industries

Ms. Julie Wettach

First Congregational Church of Etna

Pittsburg, Pennsylvania

New Mexico

Menaul School

Mr. Troy Williams

First Congregational Church

Hanson, Massachusetts



Mission School of Hope

Rev. Charles Sagay

First Congregational Community Church

Roscoe, Illinois


Christian Light Mission Haiti

Ms. Sherrie Fausey

Gap/Canaan Ministries

Mr. Steve Mossburg

Congregational Christian Church

North Manchester, Indiana


Happy Life Children’s Home

Rev. Jim Powell

Maple Hill Community Congregational Church

Maple Hill, Kansas


Fishers of Men

Victor & Julie Zaragoza

Mayfair-Plymouth Congregational Christian Church

Toledo, Ohio