First Congregational Church of Hutchinson Core Beliefs
Our Church Covenant
As the Lord's free people, we join ourselves by a covenant of the Lord in the fellowship of the Gospel, to walk in all His ways, made known or to be made known to us, according to our best endeavors, whatsoever it shall cost us, the Lord assisting us.
Salvation and the Scriptures
We believe the Holy Bible to be the inerrant, complete and final word of God on all matters of the faith and life for the believer. It is our mission and desire that all who attend and are part of our body dedicate themselves to the learning and knowledge of the Scriptures for guidance and faith. We believe salvation is wholly of the Lord by grace through the perfect work of atonement of Jesus Christ through His death, burial and resurrection. Therefore; we serve Jesus Christ through works and deeds of love and compassion "because of" His grace bestowed upon us not "in order to" merit His grace.
The Holy Ordinances
We observe Holy Communion at least 4 times a year as a sign and type of the broken body and shed blood of Jesus as he instituted and ordained at His Last Supper. We stress communion should only be taken by those who believe in Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. We believe in believer's baptism as also a sign of a person's acceptance of Jesus' death burial and resurrection for their personal salvation.
The Congregational Way is the tradition of a free church, gathered under the headship of Christ and bound to others by love, not law. People of a Congregational Church seek to be led by the scripture and the Spirit rather than a man-made creed or interpretation. As such, no Congregational church may impose a particular creed on its members, nor may an organization impose a particular creed on member congregations.
Our church fellowships with the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches (the NACCC), whose mission statement reads:
Bringing together Congregational Christian Churches
for mutual care and outreach to our world
in the name of Jesus Christ
First Congregational Church of Hutchinson, "A Soft Place to Land"